Friday, July 30, 2010

Final Fantasy VII(FTW)

Alrighty everyone, KKRealms is back, this'll be my second review and first Video game review.  I figured I"d start with a game I grew up with and adore. Final FantasyVII(1997). This is one of those reviews I worned you guys about that might be a little bias towards.  Final Fantasy VII is one of the biggest and most well known RPG's ever. Nearly everyone has heard of it and every JRPG fan worth their salt has beaten it, multiple times.  In FF7, you play as Cloud Strife, an ex-ShinRa SOLDIER who at the beginning of the game joins a rebel extremest group  known as AVALANCHE in order to take down his former employer after a series of events that have forced him to become a whiny emo thats super strong, what MORE could you want right!?! I actually love everything about the Cloud, he is just plain awesomeness. I mean, at one point, he actually pulls himself OUT of retardation! How many people can say they could pull THAT off!?!?! This game came out in the late 90's so it was for PlayStation, which, concidering the games play time, is pretty impressive, it had to be put over 3 discs and was totally worth having to climb all the way off of the couch and switch discs twice! Not that any mortal human could beat this game in ONE sit down anyways. Also, besides having an awesome storyline thats never boring, entertaining characters and the ability to race giant yellow ostriches in a casino, this game has a MASSIVE amount of replayability, with all the Materia, Limit Breaks, and equipment you can spend hours trying to obtain, but trust me, sooooooo worth every second! Now on to the cons, this game is dated. I mean, the graphics are horrendous.  So all you graphically needy peeps out there are outta luck, but guess what, SCREW YOU. FF7 is a landmark game that paved the way for alot of really fantastic JRPGS, and saddly, there havent been to many really impressive ones since the 90's so get your fill of the oldies, the graphics wont blow you away, but if it bugs you that much then you dont deserve the experience anyways you PANZY.  If I were to rate this game with a convenstional rating system, Final FantasyVII would get 5 Chocobos out of 5.  Allthough this game is graphically challenged, the games pure depth makes up for it, well, in my opinion that is.  This has been KKRealms and I hope you got something usefull out of my review, I know I enjoyed writing it.

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