Friday, August 27, 2010

Kingdom Hearts

Hey everyone, I havent wrote a blog in a few weeks so I'm back at it! Today I'm going to review a Play Station 2 game that is an unexpected masterpiece.  Of course, I'm talking about Kingdom Hearts! Kingdom Hearts is about the weirdest combination of just about anything ever, it fuses the awesome aspects of Square Enix's Final Fantasy series with the goofy, carefry characters of Disney! Whoda thunk it'd be so gosh darn fun!? Kingdom Hearts revolves around the journey of Sora, a young boy who lives on an island removed from all other life, and no one on the island has ever left. Sora has a dream to leave Destiny Island with his best friends Riku and Kyri and explore the sea in search of....well, anything! After an unexpected series of events, Sora is named the "Keyblade Master" and is sent through a portal into another world in search of Riku and Kyri who have now gone missing.  In the new world Sora soon meets Goofy and Donald, King Mickeys's closest friends and associates and together they fight the heart stealing "Heartless" across many Disney movie worlds restoring peace and investigating each world for clues to where Riku, Kyri and Mickey have gone to.  Kingdom Hearts is a compelling game with great characters, super fun gameplay, a compelling and heart-felt story and a unique colourful artstyle I enjoyed alot.  As you can tell, I like this game, I couldnt find a downside besides the sappy "friendship and love conquors all" theme, but it suits the game well. Even the music is good and that doesnt usually matter for me.. I recommend this game to anyone that is a fan of Disney, Final Fantasy, or any RPG's in general, it's worht your while! If I were a stuck up, snobby, jerk of a critic I'd give this a rating out of 5 stars, but I'm not! So I'll rate it out of 5 goofy Sora smiles! This game gets 4 goofy smiles out of 5, it could have been better, but not by much and there isnt anything in particular I could point out.

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